Blowing a start capacitor could be caused by a few different reasons.
1. Too Frequent starts. Phase converter should not be cycled on and off frequently.
2. If the load is in the on position, while trying to start the converter and your load at the same time.
you should start the phase converter first, give it a few seconds and then you can apply your load.
3. Voltage dropping, if you voltage is low it is possible that the start capacitor will stay in the circuit too long
and over heat, a digital controller would have prevented this from happening. See our FAQ topic about
(phase converter not starting)
4. Rare occasion, some installer overlook the directions and connect the single phase line to the start
capacitor contactor instead of the distribution block above. Read the label above the distribution
block, and follow the instruction (click here to download) or (click here to watch the video) be sure to
watch the right video there are two videos one without push button and one with push button.
5. Check the 2 pole contractor, make sure it isn't fused together, this is also cause by having your load
on while starting the phase converter, or your voltage dropping on your single phase line.
(click her for a picture), take the two screws off and pull the cover off to look inside. If this is fused
together, or looks badly burned, it should be replaced.